Thursday, June 21, 2012

More Ponies

Ponies take two.

I've been watching more episodes of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and have learned more fun lessons about friendship involving the other ponies: Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy.

Let's start with the kind and shy Fluttershy.

She was terribly afraid to help her pony friends deal with something scary, but when she saw how much they needed her, she overcame her fear and was able to save the day. Throughout the episode she was unable to even voice her fear to her friends. I think that she should be a lesson to us all that opening up about your feelings is important, even when you are afraid to. Things will be better if your friends know how you feel about something, otherwise they will just run over your feelings without meaning to and you will build resentment toward them. Opening up when you have a problem is important for keeping good communication and open relationships.

Next, we find our fiesty little Rainbow Dash.

She was overly concerned with competition and caused a lot of trouble because she crossed the line of friendly competition into an attitude of needing to win at all costs--no matter what happened to the relationships she hurt along the way. She eventually found that she needed to care more about the pony than her pride in a title. Relationships are always more important.

Finally, we have the fashionista Rarity,

She wanted to do something nice for her friends, she even went through a ton of hard work and do-overs to make things just the way they wanted--even though it started out as a generous free gift from her. She learned that she didn't need to over commit herself, it just wore her out. She also needed to learn to let things go and not strive to make them absolutely perfect. Her friends needed to understand that when someone offers you a free gift, it's not right for you to critique and give lots of ways it could be improved. You need to accept the gift with thanks for the generosity of your friend.

Anyway, this wraps up my pony discussion. I don't know that I will talk about ponies any more. So, I don't know what my next blog topic will be. A rousing discussion of my feelings about still being stuck at home may come up soon.

So my question to you, my readers and fellow members of Jayboo, what would you like to hear about? Is there a topic you would like to hear me discuss, or an event you want to hear about, or even a show you are interested in hearing about?
I'm open to suggestion.

Until next time, pony out! :)


  1. What's your favorite thing in nature and why?

    That's my suggestion. :)

  2. I'd like to hear about past adventures of yours

  3. Ooh, good suggestions. Hmmm, I'll have to ponder what a good past adventure is, but the nature one should come quickly.
