Thursday, June 14, 2012

For AnyPony who Cares

Ponies. Yup. Apparently I've got nothing better to do than post about...ponies. Well, here goes. I've started watching My Little Pony Friendship is Magic again. This show is pretty legit. It's cute and funny and I'm not above watching cartoons made for kids half my age. It's funny how, just like Winnie the Pooh, each pony is a caricature of a personality type. This show teaches about friendship and also gives little girls role models of good friends who are all different and yet they get along.

It's funny to see yourself and your friends in this show. It makes me smile every time it reminds me of my friends. :)

The show stars each of the six ponies in turn, but the main pony is Twilight Sparkle.
She is a smart, book-loving pony who is more introverted than some of the others. She is learning about what it means to be a good friend. Sometimes she has the answers, but sometimes another pony's strength helps her gain wisdom. In the episode I just watched, she learned that being who you are and using your talents is not showing off, as long as it's not done in a bragging way. I think this is good advice. We need to embrace who we are without shoving it in other people's faces.

Perhaps that's the best lead into the pony I'm most like: Pinkie Pie.

Spastic, party-throwing, giggly Pinkie Pie is super random and silly. Now, I hope you all know that I have more depth to me than just Pinkie Pie's shallow personality, but she fits me as a caricature. Generally positive and bringing the spirit of laughter, she is fun to be small doses. In an episode I watched earlier, I saw that Pinkie Pie was getting on Rainbow Dash's nerves so much that she was running away from her. I see this as a caution to myself. I don't want to be so crazy and out-there that I drive people away. Just because I'm an outgoing person who likes to do silly things doesn't mean I have to be that way all the time. Small doses of my Pinkie Pie-ness are okay (I think), but I don't want to be a sugar overload, please let me know if I'm ever too crazy and silly, I don't want to be annoying.

Another episode I watched talked about how AppleJack was trying to do something all by herself and wouldn't let anyone help her.

She was convinced that she could do it alone and that she had something to prove by doing so. I think all of us have done this at some point. The problem is that you must learn that your friends want to help out. They want to make things easier for you. Often your stubborn refusal of their help makes them more unhappy than if you let them share your burden. Letting others help is a good way to humble ones pride.

I haven't yet seen an episode that talks about Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, or Rarity, but when I do I'll probably post another blog about what they can teach me.

Anyway, this was a fun and silly post. I hope my dear ponies AppleJack and Twilight Sparkle know that I love 'em and can't wait to see them back at the University. ;)

(note, these posts about these ponies are not to bear any mark as to my opinion of their human counterparts, these are just the lessons learned in these episodes)


  1. Gabrielle, you've forgot the most important character! Spike!

    1. *le gasp!* How could I do that? Well, Spike hasn't learned any lessons lately, but he does hang around a lot of girls who are learning things so I'm sure he'll figure something out. Well, he did learn that he needs to be himself to impress his pony crush--and that he should not just try to charm her with a magic-ed mustache.

      hehe lol.

    2. put the link in your web bar, lousy link.^

  2. Wow, this is great! Especially since I'm Apple Jack... With this broken leg, it's been really hard to let people help me with things because I'm so independent. :)

    1. huh that must be hard. I know how annoying it is when I'm sick, but I've never had a broken leg. Hang in there girl. You'll get your freedom back soon.

      I'm glad you liked this. lol ponies are cool.

  3. i quite like this :) Ponies, ponies, ponies! Gotta love 'em! :)
