Thursday, June 28, 2012

(4) Death in a Bottle

I couldn't let anything happen to John. I would protect him in any way that I could, if it was the last thing I did. The raging flames of passion burned inside me as I tried to think of a way to keep him safe. My body trembled from the crash and new adrenaline rush. I felt as though my body was trying to shake itself apart from the inside out. It was a very unpleasant feeling. My body was no doubt also protesting the lack of food and drink. I thought about asking for some, before realizing that my impending death made life-sustaining things like that obsolete. I thought for a long while on that table. Finally, my voice, trembling like my body, broke the silence.
"How are you going to take my memories?" I tried to make my voice as innocent as possible with the right amount of curiosity present to seem real. I was not surprised by the silence that followed. This man was not very verbose. I tried pleading with him, yelling at him, trying to break my restraints: no reaction. Nothing. Not even an acknowledgment of my presence. Eventually I started to cry. The tears slid down my face and into my ears. This was quite uncomfortable. I wanted to sit up, but I was trapped lying down on this sterile table covered with an old sheet. I laid there, pouring over the memories I had of John. When I compared them to my other memories, the ones without him, I noticed that the memories he was in were brighter. They were more wonderful. Everything seemed better when I was with him. Even other happy times before we met were dim when held up against the glowing light that radiated from every stolen moment with him, every little look and touch. I would not lose these memories and give him up to the Beasts.
The hours dragged on. I was unable to sleep, but I was also unable to do anything else, so I thought about John. Finally, after what seemed like an age. The man in the white coat came over to my table holding a flask of an orange liquid in it. He looked me in the eyes and said, "This potion will reveal what you are thinking about as it enters your mind. I want you to think about everything the Beasts want to know about John. His physical appearance, place of residence, and other such details would be appreciated. When the extraction is complete I will administer another potion which will kill you"


  1. So I'm most curious about this old man. Why is he working there and is he a type of prisoner himself? He doesn't seem to approve of the Beasts.

  2. I knew i didn't like the color orange! Typical villain, always has to explain how he's going to kill his victim... well, i think he's quite rude.

  3. Gaaaahhh!! Must. Read. More.
