Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Science Fiction and Nerding Out!

So, yesterday I saw Batman: The Dark Knight Rises in the Seattle Imax and went to the Experience Music Project, a unique music, scify, and pop culture museum. I geeked out so much at the museum!! I guess I should talk about Batman, let's just say it was better than I expected. I would love to talk about it with you in person or over text. But I think you can figure out my favorite character:

I mean, she is just another example of the kick-butt Lion type personality female characters I like to watch on the silver screen. I need to stop being so silly with my Photoshopping though. lol

Before entering the Scify part, we walked through the traveling exhibit on Avatar. It was rather interesting, even though I'm not a big fan of the movie. The artists model renderings of the heads were really cool and I discovered that the Avatars make me look even shorter. lol

 Then it was on to the rest of the museum:

 Star Trek was there of course! Uhura's and Data's uniforms were there along with Kirk's Captains Chair and lots of tribbles.

 Star wars was also present with Darth Vader's Lightsaber from the original series, his scars from Return of the Jedi, and Yoda's staff and necklace.

More pieces included a model of the alien spacecraft from Independence Day, the blaster gun from Men in Black, and Neo's coat from the Matrix. An assortment of weapons lined two cases, and the large Klingon bat'leth on the right was especially familiar. :)

The Piece dé resistance if you will was the Imperial Dalek from Doctor Who. The Seventh Doctor encountered this one, and it was really cool to see a real one in person. EXTERMINAAATTEE!!!
After that we wandered into the horror film section. Most of these were foreign to me, but I enjoyed seeing a few that I was familiar with:
 This wall gave you funny shadows when you stood in front of it and moved around.
 This suit was worn by a guy in Michael Jackson's Thriller music video!!!!
And these belong to a certain Jonny Depp Character: Edward Scissorhands!!! I love that movie!!! 

So, I just wanted to share my nerdiness with y'all. I hope you don't disown me over this. So, I must end this post in true nerd fashion, Live Long and Prosper!!

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